yesh, i finally got braces !! its been a couple of hours now, and its starting to hurt. alot. =| its ok at first, just a little sore, but slowly the pain becomes less bearable and its killing me. ><>
see, trips to the dentist never ends well- so far.
but no choice mah, gotta fix this bunny teeth of mine. i've been like dragging this for a long time, might as well get it over and done with. i know your will laugh at me when school reopens, especially that rosemund goh. =| i cant believe i'm gonna wear this for a year plus. thats a really really long time. one and a half years = 548 days !!!! =((
hello. ^^
just came back from training.. i'm like so dirty, sweaty, smelly and hungry right now. =P
uh oh, just remembered, i'm gonna put on my braces TMR !!! ><>
lemme end this random post with a picture of my hamster:

i'm so pissed with my sis now. i just found out she used my macbook when i was in hockey camp and she downloaded some crap and its lagging my com super badly. now i got to painstakingly uninstall everything. arghhhhh!!!! >=( she used my com without permission some more !! no one is to touch my macbook at home cause i have loads of important stuff for school, tuition etc. what made me even angrier is that she denied using my com until i told her that i saw her email add when logging into msn. >=( she's gonna drive me crazy.
i had loads of fun during hockey camp although its exhausting mentally and physically. pulled a muscle on my right leg and it was killing me. ><>=)
so now i have to chiong on my homework. =| i still left that english essay, comic strip (i dont see the point of doing it. 'the gift' WTH!?) and chinese. ( i just hate chinese, tts all. =P) sian.
oh did you guys read the previous newspaper articles ? it mentioned students going back for LESSONS DURING THE HOLS. i'm so glad they brought that up. think ppl, what is the definition of the word 'HOLIDAY'. ? it meant A DAY OF festivity OR RECREATION WHEN NO WORK IS DONE. get it ? NO WORK IS DONE. (extracted from a DICTIONARY. i didnt make that up.) and the school would gladly create some perfectly boring lessons thus totally defining the meaning of holiday. so what is the point of giving us a holiday then when they kept asking us to go to back to school for LESSONS ? they wont listen to the students either, do they ? not only lessons, how could anyone forget the mountain of HOMEWORK the teachers gave us too ? what the teachers dont know is even if each subject department gave a somewhat moderate amount of homework, do they realise that the amount of work to do for all the subjects is ALOT. having homework during the hols is understandable but the amount of homework they give is a whole new issue. i guess they think we're soo free, but do they realise that CCAs continues ? some of us, especially sports ccas have a really tight schedules during the hols cause of competitions and stuff like that. and most ccas are 3 times a week, or even more. dont forget about other activities outside, camps and tuition ? sigh, who says a students's life is so carefree ? i'm just saying this from a student's point of view. thats all.